Carnival Corporation

Carnival Corporation is a global cruise company and one of the largest vacation companies in the World. Their brand offer a wide range of holiday and vacation products to a customer base that is broadly varied in terms of cultures, languages and leisure-time preferences. Combined Carnival vacation companies attract 10 million guests annually.

Carnival turned to Key Technologies to design and deploy the Neptune Platform, the most advanced fleet management solution which helps Carnival to collect, monitor and analyze a wide range of information coming from each of the 100+ Group vessels, each day.

Business needs

Maintaining the highest standards in services quality, operations excellence and people commitment. Support on board crews as well as all Carnival Fleet Operation Centers teams across the Globe to monitor the status of each vessel journey.Improve navigation safety and energy consumption optimized.


Neptune is a scalable, cloud based, IOT solution, that allows to collect in a cost effective way a huge amount of data from different sources, making them available for real time analysis and subsequent in-depth analysis.

carnival corporation neptune keytechnologies carnival corporation neptune keytechnologies


testimonial Franco Caraffi
Technical Product Director, Carnival Europe-Asia

Key Technologies is the right strategic Partner, capable to provide the answer to Carnival Group need to integrate under a unique, simple and effective “umbrella” different systems, in different vessels, from different vendors”. Ten millions Customers needs the highest care. Neptune Key Technologies solution helps the Carnival Group to secure it. Anytime, anywhere.


neptune 100+

group vessels. Monitored and analyzed daily

neptune 5.000

different telemetry data collected on‑board from multiple equipments

neptune 100

Billion samples collected every year

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